Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Doctor Visit

I had an appointment with Dr. Pakzad yesterday. I officially have no more sutures or staples in my body. He said everything looks great, but due to me stretching it out so much I have two spots that are healing a little slower than the rest. So I need to take it easy for the next week and stop trying to jump right into Physical Therapy. But all is good on the nub front. I cheated yesterday and took some pain pills before my appointment. It was painful with the pills so I'm glad I took some. I have been feeling much better the last two days. Mornings and nights are hard for some reason, but I'm getting through just fine. Big thank you to Diego and Cheryl for bringing me over some aroma therapy things. Maybe its just a placebo effect but it seems to be helping. Thank you guys. All in all I'm geared up and ready to dive into this whole thing, but unfortunately more healing needs to happen before I can embark on that journey. Again thank you to all who have donated your own hard earned cash to my prosthetic fund. I'm up to about 550, You all rock my socks off. Also thank you for continuing to read my blog, in means a lot.

Stay classy Tacoma (and surrounding areas)


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