Saturday, April 20, 2013

Can a Cracka Get A Mulligan... PRRRRREASE!!!!

Today was possibly the worst day I have had in a long time. Nothing went well, remember that game chutes and ladders? Today was like that one giant chute that took you all the way back to the beginning from close to the end. It turns out that rain, trex decking, and crutches don’t work well together. I was crutching out of an establishment and I slipped and fell. Not thinking I tried to catch myself with a left foot that wasn’t there and with all my weight, stepped down, and smashed the crap out of my nub. In a ton of pain, Arianna rushed me to the Emergency Room. I sat there for a long while waiting to hear anything. Finally the doctor took x-rays and told me we needed to wait for Dr. Pakzad (my surgeon) to do anything. Getting out of surgery, Pakzad came into my room armed with a couple different size scalpels, scissors, tweezers, needles and many other medical instruments to complete his arsenal. I had two open wounds that, according to him, “didn’t look good”. So Without any more talk he grabbed his tools of his trade and started to cut, deeper and deeper he went cutting high and low removing anything that had grown in the last month. He cut everything out in order to remove any and all infection or dead tissue—making the wound essentially brand new. In doing this he almost doubled the size of each open wound. So what came next: a nice hot dish of disinfectant with sutures on the side. Three stitches came next and I tell you what, that was a cool thing to watch. Oh yeah and did I forget to mention he did all of this without anything to mask the pain, Strait up bite on a bullet status. I mean I have a pretty high pain threshold but COME ON!!!  After the fun stuff Doc told me I had broken everything in Sir Nubbers and I’m  back to square one. So my clock starts over. After going through this I was in a lot of pain and just wanted to get out of there. The doctor’s final words where “if that bone doesn’t heal up properly, we will have to put you under and take it out”. Awesome, if I don’t heal well, I have to get a surgery to undo what he already did.  So I can’t drink for another two months plus, I’m stuck in this stinking apartment and I’m in a ton of pain currently. Nothing is coming up Drew. So to all of my friends: Please come over more, I know I’m boring and kind of weird because I don’t see a lot of people anymore; but it means the world to me just having people in the same room as me. If you’re just doing homework or reading a book, or checking your fantasy baseball—I don’t care just kick it with me. If I don’t have friends by my side in this time, honestly, I might break. I need people. I love you all and I hope everything is going fantastic on your ends.

Stay classy Tacoma (and surrounding areas)

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