Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Amputation Haunting

        I guess one could say I'm lucky in that my haunting hasn't been painful. I have had no ghost pain as of yet. Though I do have ghost tickles on the regular. And the one that is most weird is when my left foot feels like its asleep. I think that because my leg is still in a cast, my brain hasn't fully accepted the fact that my foot is gone. Old relationships die hard I guess.
        I would like to address a couple things as well. I wanted to preemptively apologize for the lack of quality spelling and grammar, they have never been my strong attributes. And I'm sure over the next 3 months or so I will butcher some words and massacre some grammar. Thank you  for your understanding, and if there is constructive criticism anyone has to offer I would love to hear it.
        I also wanted to apologize for not being on to post as often as I would like. Some days are better than others and thus far, most of my days have been bad. When I'm on pain pills I find it hard to write well, if at all. But I feel like I see a light at the end of the tunnel and I will be able to blog at least once, maybe twice a day. Thank you for all of your love, support, and positive words it has meant the world to me. You stay classy Tacoma   (and surrounding areas).