March 4th 2013 SURGERY DAY
At 8am Andrew went into surgery to have his left leg amputated below the knee. The surgery took 3 hrs. There were slight complications with removing the rod and pins, but all went well. He was moved up to his room for recovery and was in high spirits. He started to experience severe pain early evening and was placed on a morphine drip that seemed to work quite well. until later when he had a reaction to it that caused him to itch profusely all over his body.
They switched medication at about 11pm after trying to treat the itching with benadryl. About 12:30am his monitor started to beep, his heart rate rose, and the nurses came into check his vitals - he had a temperature of 102. The nurses brought in several bags of ice to place around his body to help reduce his core temperature. They then ordered an exam from the on call physician, and he determined that Atelectasis may have occurred and he ordered a CT scan. (Atelectasis is the partial collapse of the lung.) They were also searching for a blood clot.
He had a CT scan around 7am this morning (3/5/13). The scan revealed the cause of the temperature was Atelectasis. They then were able to get his temperature under control and he was given a breathing device to expand his lung capacity - which he breathes into ten times once every hour.
He is currently trying to rest and we will continue to post updates throughout the day/night. Thank you so much for all your love and support for our strong boy!
-Bob and Tina
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